Allergen Information

We take the safety of our customers very seriously. The information provided here refers to the allergens contained in the ingredients which make up the dishes found on the main menu.

In most cases, we can modify dishes by removing ingredients or by replacing them with others. Please ask a member of our team who will be happy to help mix and match ingredients to suit your dietary requirements. Please be aware that whilst every care is taken to ensure that food prepared in our kitchens remains free of allergens, the chefs and manufacturers of products handle other items. As a result, there is a chance that items may contain a trace of other ingredients not noted below.

Please note that whilst peanuts are not present as an ingredient in any dishes, they are used for special menu items and are handled in our kitchen with the greatest care.

Items marked (F) – These items are fried as part of the preparation or cooking process. Due to offering a wide selection of menu items the oil in our fryers will contain traces of allergens including gluten, dairy, soya, sesame, fish, molluscs, crustacean, egg, mustard, sulphates, and celery. For dishes served with fries and chips, we offer an alternative which is baked. Please ensure your server is notified if you have a food allergy, intolerance, or preference.

Allergens as ingredients are defined as: Celery, Cereals with Gluten, Crustaceans, Egg, Fish, Lupin, Milk, Molluscs, Mustard, Nuts, Peanuts, Sesame, Soybeans, Sulpher Dioxide.


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
Warm Sourdough Bread Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Milk
Garlic Ciabatta Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Milk
Mixed Olives N/A
Soup of the Day Celery, Cereals with Gluten, Milk, Mustard
Breaded Brie Wedges (F) Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Lupin, Milk
Lincolnshire Scotch Egg (F) Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Lupin, Milk, Mustard
Chicken Wings N/A
Curried Tempura King Prawns (F) Celery, Cereals with Gluten, Crustaceans, Egg, Milk, Molluscs
Crayfish & Smoked Salmon Salad Cereals with Gluten, Crustaceans, Fish, Mustard
Smoked Haddock and Leek Tartlet Cereals with Gluten, Crustaceans, Egg, Fish, Lupin, Milk
Tempura Asparagus (F) Cereals with Gluten


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
Beef & Ale Pie Celery, Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Lupin, Milk, Mustard
Slow Braised Beef Ragu Cereals with Gluten, Mustard
Vegetable Ragu Celery, Cereals with Gluten, Mustard
Oscar Cleves Haddock (F) Cereals with Gluten, Fish, Molluscs
Baby BBQ Pork Rack Ribs Mustard
Chicken Penne Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Nuts


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
Classic SG Burger Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Mustard
Moroccan Pulled Lamb Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Mustard
Lincolnshire Sausage & Chorizo Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Lupin, Mustard
Vegan SG Burger Celery, Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Mustard


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
Chicken Ceasar Salad Celery, Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Fish, Lupin, Mustard
Nicoise Salad Egg, Mustard
Roast Asparagus Nuts


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
BBQ Pulled Pork Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Mustard
Chicken & Chorizo Cereals with Gluten, Lupin
Pepperoni Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Mustard
Mediterranean Vegetable Celery, Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Mustard


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
Fillet of Beef Milk, Sulpher Dioxide
Katsu Monkfish Tail (F) Cereals with Gluten, Crustaceans, Egg, Fish, Lupin, Molluscs, Mustard, Sulpher Dioxide
Minted Rump of Lamb Wellington  Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Lupin, Mustard, Sulpher Dioxide
Honey Roast Duck Breast Sulpher Dioxide
Chicken Supreme Mustard
Mixed Seafood Chowder Cereals with Gluten, Crustaceans, Fish, Molluscs, Mustard, Sulpher Dioxide
Supreme of Salmon Fish
Broccoli & Walnut Tartlet Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Nuts, Peanuts, Sesame


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
8oz Rump N/A
8oz Sirloin N/A
8oz Fillet N/A
8oz Gammon Steak Egg
Marinated Chicken Breast N/A
Prime Tuna Loin Steak Crustaceans, Fish, Molluscs
Spiced Aubergine N/A


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
BBQ Half Rack Ribs Mustard
6 Piece Scampi (F) Cereals with Gluten, Crustaceans, Egg, Fish, Lupin, Milk, Molluscs
Flat Mushroom & Stilton Milk
Duo Fried Eggs Egg
Pancetta & Monteray Jack Milk
4 Tempura King Prawns (F) Celery, Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Milk, Molluscs


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
Peppercorn Mustard, Sulphur Dioxide
Dianne Mustard, Sulphur Dioxide
Prawn & Dill Hollandaise Crustaceans, Egg, Fish, Milk, Molluscs
Bearnaise Egg, Milk
Stilton & Red Wine Milk, Sulphur Dioxide
Katsu Milk, Mustard, Sulphur Dioxide


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
Homecooked Chips (F) N/A
Skin on Fries (F) N/A
Sweet Potato Fries (F) N/A
New Potatoes N/A
Mash Potatoes Milk
Onion Rings (F) Cereals with Gluten
Garlic Ciabatta Cereals with Gluten, Lupin
Vegetable Panache N/A
Green Beans N/A
Asparagus N/A
House Salad Mustard
Coleslaw Egg, Mustard


Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
Lemon & Lime Cheesecake Cereals with Gluten
Chocolate Brownie Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Milk
Citrus Syrup Steam Pudding Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Lupin, Milk
Baked Alaska Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Lupin, Milk
Trio of Ice Cream Cereals with Gluten, Egg, Milk
Lincolnshire Cheese Platter Celery, Lupin, Mustard

Kids Menu

Menu Item Allergens Contained as an Ingredient
Mac & Cheese Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Milk, Mustard
Classic SG Burger Cereals with Gluten
Vegan SG Burger N/A
Haddock Goujons Cereals with Gluten, Crustaceans, Fish, Milk, Molluscs
Chicken Goujons Cereals with Gluten
Sausage & Mash Cereals with Gluten, Lupin, Milk, Mustard
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